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beijing haodong law firm - official hotline: 010-88569023 - beijing haodong law firm (referred to as haodong law firm) was established in november 2005. it is a partnership law firm approved by the ministry of justice of china. at present, haodong lawyers has established itself as a comprehensive law firm that provides comprehensive legal services including non-litigation business, civil and commercial litigation, and criminal litigation. among them, lawyer haodong occupies a leading position in the country in the fields of civil and commercial litigation, criminal litigation, and intellectual property rights. IP guangdong ruixuan law firm is a large comprehensive partnership law firm initiated by senior lawyers and approved by the guangdong provincial department of justice on april 21, 2010. +business company IP beijing real estate inheritance law firm beijing yizhi law firm is a partnership law firm approved by the bureau of justice. it is a comprehensive law firm with considerable scale and achievements in the fields of civil litigation, real estate disputes, traffic accidents, criminal defense, intellectual property rights, and corporate legal consulting. . yizhi law firm has many well-known lawyers and professionals. among them, many lawyers graduated from well-known law schools at home and abroad. 2025-01-18

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beijing haodong law firm - official hotline: 010-88569023 beijing haodong law firm (referred to as haodong law firm) was established in november 2005. it is a partnership law firm approved by the ministry of justice of china. at present, haodong lawyers has established itself as a comprehensive law firm that provides comprehensive legal services including non-litigation business, civil and commercial litigation, and criminal litigation. among them, lawyer haodong occupies a leading position in the country in the fields of civil and commercial litigation, criminal litigation, and intellectual property rights. how to join 2025-01-10